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Re: pre/post install scripts and pre-depends

On Sun, 29 Dec 1996, Christoph Lameter wrote:

> I am not sure what you want. I can scan for the interpreter of all scripts
> and have dependencies for those interpreters if thats it.

I think this will be uncomputable in general, but a script could easily
find most dependencies.  IE, determining the name of all external programs
invoked by a fully arbitrary shell script, is probably equivalent to the
halting problem, which is known uncomputable.

> I am rather dissatisfied with the current scheme of unpacking things
> done through dselect. Deferring the configuration of a package
> has led to the downing of our newsserver.....

If you don't mind, I'd be interested in hearing specifics about this.

> How about having dselect immediately configure a package after install
> while unpacking the next? Then we dont need predependencies.

There's an advantage to the current scheme - you can start up an install,
walk away, then come back and feed manual input to the postinstall
scripts.  If the postinstalls fire right away, I suspect one would need 
to be there thru most of the installation.

That said, I'm still strongly in favor of anything that'll allow 100%
batch installs of a package, once a set of preferences has been defined,
which could eliminate my objection above.

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