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Re: dpkg unpack vs. configure

On 2 Jan 1997, Guy Maor wrote:

maor >Maor: There exists some P where X(P) is true.
maor >
maor >Lameter: But here is Q where X(Q) is false, therefore you are wrong.
maor >
maor >Maor: What color is the sky in your world?

Hmm. I'd rather see it the following way::

Maor: Circular dependencies exists because of virtual packages

Lameter: Circular dependencies exist even with regular packages and 
       virtual packages are really not important for the issue we are

Maor: P exists when X(P) is true ...

Back to the real issue:

Following your thinking we need a virtual package called libc6-app
and make libc6 depend on libc6-app. Otherwise you might install the
c library and its not working since there is nothing using it.

Concrete examples:

quake-lib just contains the data for quake. Certainly it does not make
sense to use that library without anything to use the data. It also does
not make sense to not have an application that uses libc6 when having
libc6 installed.

At some point the concept of dependencies is simply taken to far. And
quake-lib is such a point. Having quake-lib or libc6 installed without
any program that uses these packages wastes space but it does not mean
that programs wont work because their dependencies are not fulfilled.

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