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Re: Rethinking UPMs package format

On Fri, 17 Jan 1997, Philip Hands wrote:

phil >They run the interactive configuration scripts for _all_ packages to
phil >be installed before doing anything else, and save a per-package
phil >response file containing the users responses (in the form of shell
phil >variable assignments in the case of SVR4). 

That is an excellent idea addressing both Bruces and my concerns.

Concerns about it:

1. We need two passes through the files. One to figure out dependencies
   and run the configuration scripts and the second to actually do the

2. The configuration scripts cannot modify actual system processes and
   cannot immediately give feedback if something with those processes goes

phil >The down side is that this means that we need to have extracted the
phil >configuration scripts early, which I presume will cause problems for
phil >people who are downloading packages on the fly with ftp.  I suppose
phil >we could make a combined configuration script in similar way to the
phil >Packages file, or have unbundled copies of the configuration scripts
phil >--- I can't say I like either of these, but hopefully someone can
phil >come up with a more elegant solution. 

Well you just have to do two passes over those files. On the first you
just extract the configuration scripts and run those. On the second the
actual files are extracted and pre/post scripts are run. I have to think a
little bit more about this.

phil >For Debian I would guess that the configuration script should
phil >manipulate the configuration database (when we get one), rather than
phil >saving shell variable assignments. 

Saving shell variables in some standard location would generate a database
to be consulted by other packages as well.

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