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Re: Modest proposal for successful releases


I think it's good to fellow yours and Dales recommodations!

"Brian C. White" <> writes:

>  - big packages (X, Passwd, Tex, dpkg & friends, etc) are to have no
>    major changes/releases

now we have to define what belongs to these big packages. The results
of our discussion should IMHO be saved in the (hopefully) upcoming
meta packages format.

Is it possible to compile and repack the original packages on a
central server if a lib is changed (for all architectures)? 

By the way of freezing the distribution all packages with (critical)
should be moved to the unstable tree. In the same moment it's good to
check *all* dependencies and file bug reports against the involved
packages and/or move them to unstable.

> Release:
>  - a nice, stable system with 2 months of testing behind it.

Should it be possible to fix bugs until the next release comes up?
Perhaps is good to have a special server to recompile packages if the
maintainer has switched to the next library generation.

> To me, the primary goal behind "stable" is stability.

I think that this is very important.


Christian Leutloff, Aachen, Germany

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