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Re: Continuous Releases?

On Thu, 30 Jan 1997, Miquel van Smoorenburg wrote:

miquels >According to Christoph:
miquels >> Just one other wild thought that came to me:
miquels >> 
miquels >> How about not having release dates at all? If a developer feels his
miquels >> package is ready for stable then he should upload it into stable
miquels >> which submits the package to our beta-testing group. If they approve it
miquels >> then it will be available in stable.
miquels >
miquels >As was discussed before, this is unworkable if you want to release Debian
miquels >CD's and give support on them.

I did not follow that discussion. We are already releasing a continuous
stream of "fixes". So in a sense we are doing what I propose but without
having a group that tests stuff before being included in stable.

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