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Re: Quality: some thoughts on achieving it (long)

On Thu, 30 Jan 1997, Philippe Troin wrote:

> On 30 Jan 1997 10:55:35 CST Guy Maor ( wrote:
> > I agree with David - a quick 1.3 release with a freeze in another two
> > weeks or so, and a release at the end of March.
> I agree here too.
> IMHO bo is already quite stable.
> Let's roll it out ASAP (but after some real testing this time), and let's start a new development tree with glibc.
> We might warn users than the next release (2.0) will be in 6 months or so...

Well, I disagree here. We should try to keep the step from 1.3 to 2.0 as
small as possible. Therefore, I suggest that we implement a few other 
things first, instead of pushing the whole list of todo's into the
wishlist of 2.0.

For example, a few developers including myself are working on new tex
packages based on tetex now and we'll probably need a few more weeks to
get this implemented. The time schedule of Brian, which gives us 4 more
weeks is ok, but only 2 weeks would be too short for that. If we can't
finish the upgrade until then, everything would have to be done for

The same things applies to other goals: shadow passwords, for

So I vote for the old release schedule for 1.3.



--          _,,     Christian Schwarz
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