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Re: Stability of releases

Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> Forward warning: I'm writing yet another multiple-hundred-line
> text, this time on designing the testing procedure. Testing
> of scratch and upgrade installations is one of the issues I'm
> thinking about. Expect something next week.

I'm expecting it, because I liked your previous long postings,
particularly the list of problems that came wednesday, although I think
there is one problem that wasn't well dissected there, and that is

What developers are supposed to run when they create packages.

There was some talking about this, but nothing that could go in the
This problem has showed to be able to break a snapshot, and the recent
proposals to enlarge the time between releases (to which I object) will
make it worse.

Very few developers can have a double system, and automatic dependency
checkers can discover only packages built using incompatible libraries.
Dependencies on other packages haven't version numbers.

More: developers should also be able to create new versions of their
packages derived from the version in stable (for bug fixes) without
breaking their development of new versions for unstable.
Actually, after a developer has created a new version for unstable,
there's no policy on how he could fix a bug in stable without moving the
unstable version into stable (which should be forbidden).

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