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Re: new maintainer verification

Vincent Renardias <> writes:

> Are packages PGP signatures currently checked by dinstall? I had a look 
> at the source, but couldn't find the corresponding code anywhere...

This is the code you'll find in cread()

	# temporary hack until pgp checking is in
	$pgp=1, next if /BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE/;
	next if (/^$/ && $pgp);	# normally blank lines are illegal

I'll add it now that Lars has been kind enough to collect the keys.

> An other thing to do would be to restrict a bit more file permissions on 
> master.

Yes, there's a LOT of trust right now.  Simple-to-implement
suggestions are welcome.  +t doesn't work too well on Incoming as Ian
and I really do need write permission there.  (dinstall actually runs
as part of Ian's daily cron job).


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