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Re: dpkg issues

Re: Mark Eichin's suggestion of a BOGUS-like approach:

Chris Schwarz wrote:
> But I see a few problems here:
> * Some FTP sites are not maintained very good and files are sometimes
> moved around.
This issue is currently a vulnerability even with the current system, and
can be avoided by having the maintainer (and anyone else) use 'watch' 
or something like it to get around that.  

> * What if the upstream sources get deleted (i.e. there is a new version)
> but we still ship the old version with Debian?
Same as above.

> * What if the upstream source can't be used as .orig.tar.gz directly? For
> example, when the tar file doesn't include a sub-directory foo-0.1/ ?
I think this could be fixed by a prebuild script.

> * Some upstream sources are not a single .tar.gz file, but perhaps a
> tar.gz for an old version plus a diff. 
Same as above.

A big advantage I see for the BOGUS approach is that it could eventually
have the effect of propagating some good maintainence practices upstream.

Susan Kleinmann

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