The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Last chance to participate in Debian developers survey vote

If you have not yet voted, please hit and vote ASAP. If you still can't
hit the site, please have someone enter your vote for you or write to
me and I can do it. Here are the survey questions.



                               Survey Entry Form
Debian project survey

  Important questions about the direction and mission of the project
   Please enter your response to the following questions.
   For users of Lynx and other non-graphical browsers, you should select
   No Choice as your response if you choose not to answer that question.
   For all others, it is permissible to leave responses off question(s).
   Everyone must enter his/her correct complete e-mail address
   Your complete e-mail address:
    1. What sort of organizational structure do you prefer?
     ___ D. No choice
     ___ A. A "benevolent dictatorship"
     ___ B. Elected board of directors, who make all decisions for the
     ___ C. A senate of all developers, who make all major decisions by
    2. How should officers be appointed/elected?
     ___ E. No choice
     ___ A. Officers should be appointed by the project leader.
     ___ B. Officers should be elected by the developers.
     ___ C. Officers should be elected by the board of directors.
     ___ D. There should be no officers, just people who volunteer to do
     tasks for a short time.
    3. How should the project leader by elected/appointed?
     ___ E. No choice
     ___ A. The project leader should be elected directly by the
     ___ B. The project leader should be appointed by the board of
     ___ C. The project leader should appoint his/her own successor.
     ___ D. There should be no project leader.
    4. How should the project be organized?
     ___ E. No choice
     ___ A. The project needs to incorporate as a non-profit
     ___ B. The project needs to remain an informal organization, not a
     non-profit organization.
     ___ C. The project should be controlled by a consortium of paid
     board members, like the consortia of X/Open or Linux International.
     ___ D. We should go commercial and make all of the developers
    5. What should be the fate of Bruce Perens?
     ___ D. No choice
     ___ A. Bruce Perens should resign as project leader immediately.
     ___ B. Bruce Perens should continue to lead the project during
     ___ C. Bruce Perens should continue to lead only until an orderly
     change in leadership can be arranged.
    6. What should be the fate of Daniel Quinlan and Brian White?
     ___ C. No choice
     ___ A. Daniel Quinlan and Brian White should resign as vice
     presidents immediately.
     ___ B. Daniel Quinlan and Brian White should continue in their
     roles during 1997.
    7. What should be the project size?
     ___ C. No choice
     ___ A. The project should not be allowed to grow much over 200
     ___ B. The project should be allowed to grow to any number of
    8. What should be the structure of the core group?
     ___ C. No choice
     ___ A. The project should consist of a core group of about 25
     people, and a much larger group who develop non-essential packages.
     ___ B. There should be no core group.
    9. What should be the status of free software?
     ___ C. No choice
     ___ A. The project should retain its dedication to free software
     only in the "core" part of Debian.
     ___ B. The project should concentrate on having as many programs as
     possible in the "core" part of Debian, even if it means accepting
     non-free software that we sign a contract to distribute.
   ________________ ____________________
Bruce Perens K6BP   510-215-3502
Finger for PGP public key.
PGP fingerprint = 88 6A 15 D0 65 D4 A3 A6  1F 89 6A 76 95 24 87 B3