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Re: XFree86 3.3 update

Dale Scheetz <> writes:

> > Now, a question: I have named the compiled version xemacs19_19.15-3.1
> > (the latest xemacs in hamm was xemacs19_19.15-3).  Should I upload
> > this to unstable as a non-maintainer upload?  (Again, the xemacs in
> > unstable is totally useless with the X in unstable!)
> > 
> Did you try the version in hamm? I have another report that the version in
> hamm runs fine with the 3.3-2 X. Can you verify or refute that report?

The version of xemacs in hamm is xemacs19_19.15-3.  This is the
version that I am using.  I have tried it with both XFree86 3.3-1 and
3.3-2, and it coredumps with both.  However, I have recompiled it and
had it link against 3.3-2 (instead of the 3.2 libraries) and it is now

Check the bug report I filed against xemacs19 (sorry, don't have the
number handy..) for details about the problem.  To summarize, the
xemacs19 in hamm does not work with the X in hamm (for me at least).

John Goerzen          | Running Debian GNU/Linux (
Custom Programming    | | 

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