The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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[aleph1@DFW.NET: Security hole affects many cvs pserver installations]

-----Forwarded message from Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET>-----

Reply-To:     Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET>
Sender:       Bugtraq List <BUGTRAQ@NETSPACE.ORG>
From:         Aleph One <aleph1@DFW.NET>
Subject:      Security hole affects many cvs pserver installations
X-UIDL: 6d7e813e63ef581bb11fb66fcc4814f0

Cyclic Software has received reports of a security hole that affects
many CVS servers using the pserver authentication method.  We
recommend that sites take appropriate actions depending on their
situation and security needs.

I. Description

Under some circumstances an attacker can supply an alternate
CVSROOT/passwd file, which a CVS pserver server will use to give the
attacker access to any user on the system.

Vulnerable versions of CVS include 1.7, 1.8, 1.9 and 1.9.8.

Version 1.9.10 is not vulnerable provided that the advice in section
IV "Additional Solution" is followed.

Those not running a pserver server are safe from this problem.  If
you aren't sure whether you are running pserver, look at
/etc/inetd.conf for mentions of CVS.  Pserver typically runs on port
2401 ("cvspserver").

Note that on some systems the inetd configuration file may have a
different name or be in a different location.  Please consult your
documentation if the configuration file is not found in

This attack requires an intruder to be able to make a network
connection to a vulnerable CVS server.  This means that some sites,
depending on their security configurations and policies, may not have
an urgent need to take action.

II.  Impact

If the machine running the CVS server also has running a service which
allows for file upload (for example, anonymous FTP if configured to do
so), then anyone who has the ability to upload files can gain full
access to the server system.  If there is no service which allows file
upload, then users who already have some access to the server system
can gain access as any other user, including privileged users.

III.  Solution(s)

Upgrade the CVS server to CVS 1.9.10.  There is no need to upgrade
CVS clients.  When you upgrade you will need to add --allow-root to
inetd.conf as described in the CVS 1.9.10 distribution.

Note that CVS 1.9.10 is an interim release.  It has not received as
much testing as a released version such as CVS 1.9, so people who are
not vulnerable to this security hole may wish to stay with CVS 1.9.
CVS 1.9.10 is available for free download from or

IV.  Additional Solution

Even if you upgrade to CVS 1.9.10, there is still an issue with the
repository permissions (as long as you continue to use pserver).  You
probably want to change the permissions on the $CVSROOT and
$CVSROOT/CVSROOT directories and the $CVSROOT/CVSROOT/passwd file as

    Note that because the `$CVSROOT/CVSROOT' directory contains
    `passwd' and other files which are used to check security, you
    must control the permissions on this directory as tightly as the
    permissions on `/etc'.  The same applies to the `$CVSROOT'
    directory itself and any directory above it in the tree.  Anyone
    who has write access to such a directory will have the ability to
    become any user on the system.  Note that these permissions are
    typically tighter than you would use if you are not using pserver.

V.  Workarounds

Using some authentication mechanism other than pserver avoids the
problem completely.  In particular, running CVS over a remote
execution program such as rsh, kerberized rsh, or ssh involves no
network security implications beyond those involved in running the
remote execution program in the first place.

VI.  For future information

For future updates on CVS security, consult  In
particular, there is a security page at

-----End of forwarded message-----

Ciao, Hanno
|  Hanno Wagner  | Member of the HTML Writers Guild  | Rince@IRC      |
| pgp-fingerprint: 7D C1 01 72 75 22 01 4F  6F 08 06 49 1B 02 4A A6   |
| 74 a3 53 cc 0b 19 - we did it!                                      |
Famous last word:
"Why are you guys smiling like that?"

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