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Re: gnuplot

On Sat, 19 Jul 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> I think we're going to need to pull gnuplot out of the main distribution,
> and put the source package in non-free.

Well, it's not that easy. According to current policy, distribution of
modified binary has to be allowed for all packages, even for those in

This was discussed before with the arguments:

  - we are "modifying" the binaries if we adopt filesystem paths to our
    needs (FSSTND)

  - we want to be able to fix bugs

So I see the following options:

  - change policy to let these packages go into non-free too
    (This will result in a "less supported" non-free distribution. Right
    now, non-free is maintained and as bug free as main, though the
    programs have more restricted licenses.)

  - set up a new distribution for such packages, I suggest the name

  - drop these packages from our archive (I don't think this is an option
    in the case of "gnuplot", since it's widely used.)

Note, that this case has happened before. We don't have a decision on
"selfhtml" yet. This is a german HTML manual which has been packaged a few
days ago. It's license does not allow us to modify the document. (Note,
that the author would have allowed "Debian" to change the document, but
these Debian-specific license are not valid anymore, since the DFSG.)



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