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Re: contrib/non-free policy

On 21 Jul 1997, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> Hi,
> >>"Shaya" == Shaya Potter <> writes:
> Shaya> Bruce, I was going through some old mail, and I came across
> Shaya> this.  You say, Qt is only free for X, yes that's true.
> Shaya> However, that's also all they release the source code for.  So
> Shaya> how could it be "free" for anything else.
> 	The licence effictively prevents you from porting it to other
>  windowing systems; this is not my idea of free.
> Shaya> If Microsoft GPL'd the code for Internet Explorer for Linux,
> Shaya> would we not be able to include it because the Windows Version
> Shaya> is not-free, at least from a source code view.
> 	Huh? I couldn't run it under Wine/Wabi? why not? It would
>  certainly meet the definition of free.
> 	Why this sudden surge to dilute the Debian social contract and
>  blur our stand on non-free?

I like the DFSG, however, I still believe their is room for CD
distributable stuff on the official CD.  Not as being part of Debian, but
as being Contrib.  That we are putting it on the CD as a service to our

We are going to be compared on a feature by feature basis with what other
distributions provide their users, if we can't provide programs like pine
or Qt, even in a fashion which says they aren't part of Debian, we are
going to lose out on a lot of users.  Many users don't care about the
DFSG, all they care about is if the CD comes with the software they want.

Also, it seems a little hypocritical that we distribute all this contrib
software in an official manner through our network of FTP mirrors, but
that we can't put them on the CD.  It's one thing if the software isn't
freely distributable on CD, but if it is, we should include it.

Just my 2 cents,


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