The debian-private mailing list leak, part 1. Volunteers have complained about Blackmail. Lynchings. Character assassination. Defamation. Cyberbullying. Volunteers who gave many years of their lives are picked out at random for cruel social experiments. The former DPL's girlfriend Molly de Blanc is given volunteers to experiment on for her crazy talks. These volunteers never consented to be used like lab rats. We don't either. debian-private can no longer be a safe space for the cabal. Let these monsters have nowhere to hide. Volunteers are not disposable. We stand with the victims.

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Re: Deviating from the Social Contract?

From: Christoph Lameter <>
> What I see you doing right now the getting rid of non-free and contrib and
> refusing all support from the Debian Project. Shaya had to get his own
> mailing list setup. He probably has to get his own bug reporting system
> set up etc etc.

I am not getting rid of non-free and contrib. _Please_ discuss this with
Shaya so that you can get a better idea of what we are working on.

I am continuing to refuse to sign a contract for gated, however I am
doing my very best to help other people distribute it, with their own
contract, separately from Debian. I even made up a name for their project!

Shaya had to get his own mailing list set up for discussing the production
of a CD that would not be sponsored by the Debian project. I think
that's only fair. We support distributing non-free and contrib via FTP,
and we support other people making CDs out of them. If you want to make a
CD of them, we request that you please make sure to do it explicitly outside
of the Debian project so that it will not be perceived as Debian's CD. To run
his own mailing list to make that distinction explicit is no great hardship.

We will allow programs in non-free and contrib on our FTP site to be
reported on our bug system. We will not, however, allow programs that
are not in non-free, contrib, or the main distribution to be reported
on our bug system, because we are not responsible for them, some other
group has that responsibility and bugs in those programs should not
appear as Debian's bugs.

> The position taken by the Debian Project here is in stark
> contrast to the Social contract. Now the freeware ideology is enforced
> instead of tolerating other copyrights.

Why do you say that? We never allowed people to report bugs on gated in
our bug system because it was not part of non-free, contrib, or main. We will
continue to not allow people to report bugs on gated, because it will still
not be part of non-free, contrib, or main.

> 5. Programs That Don't Meet Our Free-Software Standards
> We do not support such software neither on our ftp sites nor on our
> mailing lists or our bug tracking system. We will use all leverage we have
> to force others to adopt our copyright guidelines.
> I would appreciate this change if you really want to get rid of non-free
> and contrib. The social contract in its current form gives a very
> different impression to what I see going on right now.

I sincerely feel your inpression is incorrect.

Once again, we're not getting rid of non-free or contrib, so we would not
have to change the guidelines this way. I don't see a problem with saying
that we will try to _persuade_ others to adopt our copyright guidelines.
Never _force_, we have nothing to force them with and would not try!
We will try to persuade. We would never have published guidelines were that
not our intent, and I think that intent is already implicitly stated in the


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