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Re: Font compression and supporting commercial software

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> From: Alex Yukhimets <>
> > Just post to the debian-user?
> Sure, why not? And if someone complains of a problem, someone else on
> debian-user will remember the posting.
> > when I leave the X to the text console
> > (either by switching to it or just after shutting down the server) my
> > text fonts are left completely scrambled.
> This might be a configuration problem, too. If not, it's a good reason
> for using ggi (the generic graphics interface, which lives in the kernel)
> in the X server. That would give you a hook for fixing things when you drop
> out of graphics mode. Work on GGI continues.

Yea, but last I heard Linus was against including it in the kernel,
something about he not wanting kernel bloat.  It looks great though, IMO,
that is.


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