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Re: packages in contrib that are DFSG-compliant

On Wed, 30 Jul 1997, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

>   >>> text/acroread_3.0-1.deb
>   >>>
>   >>> Unless I'm mistaken, the free "xpdf" duplicates the function of this
>   >>> package.
>   >> But it's probably still useful to some people.  It should go into
>   >> non-free.
>   > Sure. I just wanted to point out that it is not important because
>   > there is free software that replaces it.
> xpdf cannot display encrypted pdf files because Derek doesn't know how to
> release code that decodes this and still be safe with respect to US export
> laws. Yuck!
> So in short: for as long as there are files with encrypted pdf out there,
> there is usage for acroread.

Uh.  Can't Ghostscripy decrypt encrypted pdf files if you drop in an extra
.ps file.  I assume Ghostscript 4 is going to be placed under the GPL soon
cause alladin has come out with v5.


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