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Re: quick install method (was Re: Deity project schedule problems)

On Sep 21, Craig Sanders wrote
: On Sun, 21 Sep 1997, Heiko Schlittermann wrote:
: > On Sep 21, Craig Sanders wrote
: > : after base installation and reboot, drop the user into a menu offering
: > : one of a number of pre-tested dselect selection sets (plus an "expert"
: > : option to run dselect).
: > 
: > Fully second.
: > 
: > What about ``meta packages'':
: it could, perhaps, be implemented that way "behind the scenes" (although
: i'm not sure if dpkg --set-selections actually resolves dependencies and
: conflicts...i think it just trusts stdin to be both correct and sane) but
: the point of this idea is so that the newbie user can avoid having to go
: through the dselect "Select" screen.

Yes, you're right.  .... For the ``meta packages'' (it's no new idea)
I thought in ``deselect'', similar to the ``section'' (or how are the
sections named in dselect?), these sections are selectable at once
already.  And dselect does it's best for the dependencies ;-)

: i.e. this should be an additional, extremely simplified, front-end to
: dselect (or a replacement for it.  dpkg -iGROEB doesn't have to be run

Not only dpkg -i ... FTP and mountable is a must.  I don't like to wait
until dpkg has traversed all dirs, only to install just some packages.

[ dpkg should have an option returning all selected package _file_
names, based on the selection list. ]

:         selections = "internet_client.set internet_server.set text_games.set"
:         cat $selections | dpkg --set-selections
: btw, there should be no reason why a user couldn't select some of the
: selection sets and then choose the "expert" option to run dselect and
: refine the choices before running the install. 

Yes, sounds good.

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