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Re: Can I interest anyone in RPM?

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, Bruce Perens wrote:

> I think we should at least explore the issue of using RPM/GLINT, etc.,
> as it's now become the clear standard packaging system for Linux - we
> are almost the only holdout. I know it's not as powerful as
> dpkg/dselect, but it's powerful enough to get along and we can add what we
> need. We aren't really getting anywhere by going in our own direction,
> away from every other Linux, writing new software to duplicate what already
> exists.

As Philippe just pointed out, the fact we want "visibility" on our
package management system also mean (between other things) that we need to
have source control over it. Would not be the case with dpkg.

HOWEVER, I agree I'd like more support for RPM in Debian, mostly:

- Improved "alien": For example, it could translate the location of files
in /etc/rc.d/init.d/ into /etc/init.d/ and offer to tag files in /etc as
conffiles, ... (other sugestions welcomed)

- Improved "dpkg-dev": From the same source tree, I'd like to be able to
generate either .deb's or .rpm's.

- Use RH's user interface? (there's a glint-for-debian done by Klee in
exeprimental already)

(This list is not exhautive of course)

> The last time I brought this up, perhaps a year ago, it started an
> awful flame-war. This time I'd like all of the developers to seriously
> consider it.

Was only ~6 months ago AFAIR.

At that time dpkg was seriously BROKEN (and Ian Jackson had no time for it
since he was working on his thesis), so you considered to switch to rpm to
have something working; And it worked since Klee Dienes volunteered to
co-maintain dpkg and has done an outstanding job.

Now, you're resubmitting the idea, I think it means some more people
should volunteer to work on Deity. _(;

> What we use to package that software is irrelevant.

What we use to package that software IS relevant, in the sence we must use
the best available tool. Dpkg happens to be this one.

 But I agree we must have better support for rpm, because it's the most
commonly used packager for linux distributions.


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