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Re: Security bugfix for Samba (fwd)

debian could realy need a small tutorial :
 - what packages have to be changed for pam ? how should the commands
   look like ? (a small example or so that we can use for copying :-)
 - same with utmp access
 - same with shadow support
 - mail ? locking ?

at least ipppd might be wrong in all cases (that isn't a big thing,
because nobody uses ipppd for dialin, with passwird database instead of
pap/chap and with utmp). but i want to correct that.
i will also have problems with kdm (kde version of xdm), and
kscreensavers, and some nice tutorial or an RTFM would be nice.

we also have our own standards for mail access, lock files, etc.,
and as far as i know we have libraries for that.

one collection for all these things, where we have our own code for
central dealing with things, would be nice.

(kde has a modem terminal, so i also need lock files, isdnutils has
additional three programs that create lock files, and kde has mail and
news cleints, so i also need to take care of that).

for me an RTFM->"..." would be enough, but one howto or so for debian
would be nice. we could also show this to other developers and say :
"hey, why don't you use this ?"


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