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Re: is nobody a security hole?

I think the nobody user should not be able to login at all and have no
rights to create files at all. Maybe we can do something to be done login
and at the kernel level to have a secure nobody account?

On Thu, 2 Oct 1997, Christian Hudon wrote:

>On Wed, 1 Oct 1997, Joey Hess wrote:
>> nobody:*:65534:65534:nobody:/tmp:/bin/sh
>> I've been wondering if having a user with a world-writable home directory
>> like this is a security hole. So far all I've thought of is this:
>Yes, it would indeed be a good ideas to change nobody's home directory...
>I seem to faintly remember a ssh hack that used the fact that nobody's
>home directory was world-writeable. In any case, I think we're better safe
>than sorry. Any major objections out there?
>  Christian
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