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Re: Can I interest anyone with dpkg?

Boris D. Beletsky wrote:
> IMHO, "everybody uses it" is not a good enought reason, Linus proved
> it long time a go. Can someone say anything nice about rpm compared
> to dpkg?

hummm...  i started on redhat so i have some experience with rpm.  when
i first switched to Debian, i had the impression for awhile that while i
felt the debian packaging standard was a lot better then that of rpm, it
seemed like some of the functionality of rpm was missing from within

as i used dpkg, however, i realized this was not the case.  my
suggestions for dpkg (and i know everyone has one) is that a) we make
the help associated with it easier to understand and read.  maybe this
needs to be an extra file in /usr/doc/dpkg or something.  or maybe just
a new look at the output of dpkg --help.  b) i would like to see the
results of a comparison of the command line usage of rpm and dpkg.  i
know that they both have many functions.  however, i would like to see
if maybe there are some things rpm is capable of which we of Debian
should be looking at incorporating into dpkg.  (i am talking about some
of the abilities rpm has to search through the installed packages
database, etc. etc.)

anyways, i am going to stop talking now and let some more knowledgable
people tell why dpkg is better then rpm (from a factual and not just
Debian religiousity viewpoint)...

> thks,
> borik
> --
> Boris D. Beletsky                
> Network Administrator         
> Institute of Computer Science,
> Hebrew University                      Home: +972 2 6411880
> Jerusalem Israel                       Work: +972 2 6585690
> --
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