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Re: qt license

On Fri, 31 Oct 1997, Jason Gunthorpe wrote:

> I -really- like how GTK is designed (Deitys widget's follow an almost
> identical path, even though I had no knowledge of how GTK worked till very
> recently) but I highly dislike the use of a contrived OO mechanism ontop
> of plain C.

But a lot of people prefer C; can your widget set sensible be called from
C at all? 

A widget set really is an obvious example of where object orientation is
good, so it isn't surprising that they've attempted to use object
orientation in C. Incidentally Xt is object oriented too---there's a lot
wrong with Xt, but the way they've handled the object orientation isn't
one of them, it is very nicely done IMO. 

> Also, I really don't like how QT is designed, enough that I wouldn't want
> to use it at all. If KDE hadn't already started using QT I would
> discourage any sort of FreeQT project on the simple reasoning that it is
> not a very good widget implementation (IMHO of course).

You mean the API isn't very nice, or what? I haven't looked at it really,
as just its licence put me off.

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