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are md5sums mandatory for all packages?

I just ran these two commands.

# ls -al /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.md5sums | wc
     93     837    8367

# ls -al /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list |wc  
    259    2331   22654

If every package had a md5sum then there should be a md5sum for
every .list file, right?  

I would consider this a bug in 166 packages.

The md5sums are VERY useful for checking the integrity of the system and
for seeing what files have been modified/customized.  Too bad you can't
have md5 for directory contents, hmmm, or could you, though I guess it would
be a bit on the tricky side.

I'd like to see the 166 packages fixed.  Do you think it would be OK to make
it an enforced rule that md5sums must be provided in order for a package to
be valid, at least for distribution off the  I'm strongly for
this, anybody else?


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