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Competitive analysis of Lotus Notes/Domino R5

Date: 1999


Reader: "Like, if MS is such an innovative innovator, then why did they have to devote the time and effort of over nineteen MS tech people in dissecting the innards of Notes?"


This is a first cut competitive analysis of Lotus Notes/Domino R5, based on the information we have collected to date. This information includes in-depth testing of their first and second external betas, a beta copy of then reviewer’s guide, European Lotusphere, and assorted press reports, artMes, and snippets from our sales force.

(We’ve highlighted places where we saw significant differences between the actual product and thmr literature.) This is not intended to be a strategy doc for how we compete with Notes; rather it is simply a direct analysis of the R5 release with enough comparative information to put in context [..] A number of people contributed to this analysis from teams across Microsoft...

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