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Fxxk HP (all divisions)




From: johnfi; Wed Mar 14 11:18:49 1990 To: RichAab; RussW; SherryR; c-JanetC Subject: H-P New Wave Date: Wed Mar 14 10:56:42 1990

A few issues ... Got a call from Gary Perez (our OEM HP Acct Mgr) this morning. They are telling HP that they wil NOT be part of this launch and that BillG has said "fxxk HP (all divisions) if they won't sign a Windows license."

This is somewhat different from the attitude expressed yesterday to no penalize New Wave for the hardware divisions lack of a license. Clearly something needs to be decided here. My vote is that we include New Wave if they have something thay can demo, if not - no problem since Gary states they have only sold 600 copies...? Also, since ATT's Conquistidor runs on New Wave, if New Wave doesn't work will Conquistidor...?

Janet, it is super-important to copy all people associated with these accounts. (USSMD accounts mgrs., OEM accounts mgrs., etc) on your FAX. In addition to the calls you'll be getting, many other people will get questions on this FAX/Mailing.

Also. Joachim has told his account mgrs that there is no way that we will assist developers with our development staff just to finish apps (such as New Wave.) I think I understand his reason for not wanting to swamp our people, but we also don't want to imply that we don't give a rip about their problems or their "cleanness" by launch. On the contrary, I think we are trying to do even more to assist.

Action: HP is sending a copy of New Wave (which Gary reports does not work and will not ship until at least 90 days after our launch) to Gary and he will forward to us. Gary will also be meeting with BillG and if we feel differently about HP's New Wave inclusion, someone should say so.


From: garype Wed Mar 14 08:40:29 1990 To: joachimk Cc: garype; jancl; jodys; johnj; richab; richardf; russw Subject: RE: HP participation in windows rollout Date: Wed mar 14 08:37:18 1990

I do NOT want HP invited to our Windows event. They are not licensed for the product and are not committed to Windows.


- I have worked with HP for over 14 months on a windows license and they are not interested. They are not commited to Win 3.0 and I have foud our recently that the NewWave guys have had the key all along to resolve our differences on a windows license and that have opted not to do it. All they want to do is leverage off of Microsoft Marketing $$ so they can show the world NewWave with win 3.0. But they fail to see a reason to license the product themselves.


- By allowing HP to show NewWave at our event, you acknowledge that MS endorses NewWAVE as a viable platform to run on top of Windows. Billg has NEVER taken that position ..... Especially without a commitment to license the product. Billg was not enthusiastic about HPs NewWAve directions knowing there was NO license in place.

- I believe Joachimk and I are on sync on this issue. These people at HP should be working through me on this issue. I have and will continue to tell they are NOT invited to this event without a license in place and a "working" version of the product ready to show...

- garyype

> From: johnj Mon MAr 12 13:00:51 1990 To: jancl Cc: garype Subject: HP participation in windows rollout

Date: Mon Mar 12 13:00:51 1990

At the rollout meeting that I attended today, the subject of HP came up. I gave my stock answer, which is, no license, they can't come. Russ and Rich (and a few others) "gently" reminded me that HP is an ISV as well as an OEM and that they want HP to be there as an ISV, independent of what they do as an OEM.

I agree that this is the right thing to do. If we can have Lotus there, we surely can have HP. Since this is not an OEM/rollout issue, I'll leave it to you guys to work it out with Janet Church, who is coordinating the ISV participation in the event.

_ john

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