GO Corp and the confidential demo
Date: May 1988
Dear Bill:
Which leads me to the topic of GO Corporation. We're preparing a proof-of-concept demonstration for early June. We're at a point in our planning and development where it's now clear to us that cooperation with Microsoft is both appropriate and of potential mutual interest.
Jerry and I would appreciate the opportunity to share our product plans and show you the demo in our labs on a confidential basis .. Both Jerry and I are very interested in your thoughts and comments on GO's plans.
Robert M. Carr V.P Software
"I guess I've made it very clear that we view an Intel investment in Go as an anti-Microsoft move", bg June 1993http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9B05EEDC1430F937A15750C0A9629C8B63
May 16, 1988..
Dear Bill:
Which leads me to the topic of GO Corporation. We're preparing a proof-of-concept demonstration for early June. We're at a point in our planning and development where it's now clear to us that cooperation with Microsoft is both appropriate and of potential mutual interest.
Jerry and I would appreciate the opportunity to share our product plans and show you the demo in our labs on a confidential basis .. Both Jerry and I are very interested in your thoughts and comments on GO's plans.
Robert M. Carr V.P Software