TurboHercules vs IBM

TurboHercules, a company with roots close to Microsoft's, provoked IBM and filed an antitrust complaint along with other companies, some of which partly owned by Microsoft. This was in 2010, nearly a decade before IBM changed management, having bought Red Hat.
In order of appearance, this case was covered in:
Microsoft Proxy Attack on GNU/Linux Continues With TurboHercules
Eye on Security: Windows Malware, Emergency Patches, and BeyondTrust’s CEO from Microsoft"
IBM Uses Software Patents Aggressively
IBM’s Day of Shame
IBM Will Never be the Same After Taking Software Patents Out of Its Holster
Thumbs up to Ubuntu for Removing a Part of Microsoft; TurboHercules Likely a Psystar-Type Microsoft Shell
Why IBM Does Deserve Scrutiny (Updated)
TurboHercules’ Ties With Microsoft Explained
Florian Müller Seemingly Connected to CCIA
TurboHercules’ Secret Home in 701 Fifth Avenue, Suite 4200 Seattle, WA 98104
Patents Roundup: IBM, TurboHercules, Microsoft, New Zealand, Palm, and CompTIA
TurboHercules’ Attack on IBM Gains Support From Microsoft Investor/Booster and More
TurboHercules Confirmed to be Funded by Microsoft to Attack GNU/Linux/IBM
At Microsoft, “Choice” Means Adding Windows, Marginalising/Suing GNU/Linux
Other similar cases: