Waggener Edstrom

Waggener Edstrom (or W-E) is Microsoft's main PR agency and also PR department. Steve Ballmer's wife comes from there and the company's early endeavours, as shown in
Comes vs Microsoft court exhibits, were tied to W-E. Waggener Edstrom is based near to Microsoft (Washington State) and its questionable PR practices are something we elaborated on before. Below are some posts of relevance. A lot may have changed since (firms), except the underlying methods.
Waggener-Edstrom Behind the 2008 Laptop Bribes, Edelman Behind 2006’s
Edelman and Waggener Edstrom Reported to the FTC
Microsoft Agents from Waggener Edstrom Airbrush Wikipedia, Glorify Paymaster
Waggener Edstrom, Maureen O’Gara and Other Microsoft Shills
Is Microsoft Manufacturing a Case Against Open Source Advocates?
Reader’s Take: “Botnet King Steps Down”
FullSIX and Mr. Youth LLC May Be Ruining the Web (AstroTurfing) on Microsoft’s Behalf
Microsoft Unleashes Proxies at Journalists to Defend Vulnerable Vista
Shill Watch: A Quick Ramble
Microsoft ‘Manages’ Journalists and Newspapers Ahead of Windows Vista Release
Microsoft’s PR Department (Waggener Edstrom) Patents AstroTurfing-related Methods
Video from Waggener Edstrom Explains Perception Management at Microsoft
Microsoft’s AstroTurfing, Twitter, Waggener Edstrom, and Jonathan Zuck
Negative Review of MS Surface Published, Microsoft Contacts Blogger and Has It Removed
66 Pages of Microsoft Evilness
Microsoft is ‘Buying’ Blog Posts That Glorify Microsoft Windows
Microsoft’s PR Department Waggener Edstrom Dishonestly Handles Damage Control
Waggener Edstrom and Microsoft’s Government Insider Defend the Company’s Reluctance to Pay Tax
Firms Behind Microsoft Bribes Involved in Gates Foundation PR, Prodding and Misinforming the Press
In the Words of the Daughter of Microsoft’s PR Spammer Pam Edstrom
Mass Layoffs at Microsoft's PR Department (Waggener Edstrom) and Agencies That Bribe Bloggers and Journalists on Microsoft's Behalf (to Act as a Proxy, Distance the Liability)
Microsoft Layoffs Figures Omit Cuts in Its Communications, Bribery, Lies and Spin Department (Waggener Edstrom)
Meme: Waggener Edstrom: GREAT PERFORMANCE, Microsoft!!!
Also see