Comments on: Microsoft’s Nokia ‘Deal’ is More Like a Takeover, Patents Pose a Problem Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Tue, 15 Feb 2011 04:54:00 +0000 Elop is promising to use patents. PJ found him saying this:

Microsoft plus Nokia has a remarkably strong IP portfolio, and we will use that appropriately with the context of our ecosystem. … Ensuring that the value we create with our patents, we can defend from those who may take advantage.

How disgusting, Microsoft did not have to spend a red cent to be able to terrorize everyone with Nokia’s patent pile and suicide a dominant competitor. Everything else I read is claiming that Windows will be the dominant OS on Nokia phones now. This destruction of actual value and patent hype earns a specail mention in the Microsoft patent extortion timeline. Elop belongs in jail.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 13 Feb 2011 18:09:37 +0000 I heard that he would be sued.

By: Agent_Smith Sun, 13 Feb 2011 18:06:58 +0000 Ha, that pretty much says it all: Elop’s sinking Nokia to increase the value of his shares at M$. Oh, boy, white collar crimes anyone ?

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sun, 13 Feb 2011 07:14:28 +0000 Nokia’s Elop has 261,302 Microsoft shares (apparently the 7th largest stakeholder) and 0 Nokia shares. See

There ought to be an investigation here.

By: twitter Sun, 13 Feb 2011 06:39:53 +0000 Nokia workers have walked off the job to protest the Microsoft deal.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sat, 12 Feb 2011 23:35:21 +0000 TechFlash is hardly balanced and it’s funded by B0ng (Microsoft). Moles should not be put on pedestals. They live underground, in a very dark world.

By: twitter Sat, 12 Feb 2011 22:18:27 +0000 Yeah, Elop and Belluzzo are birds of a feather. Someone seems to be billing him as a motivational speaker along with Gulliani and Powel. I suppose this is a creative way to line the guy’s pockets.

By: Mikko Sat, 12 Feb 2011 22:06:33 +0000 i stopped recommending nokia mobile phones to my family and friends
(i still recommend nokia tires and nokia rain boots)

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sat, 12 Feb 2011 08:36:53 +0000 I believe it was you who told me about it last year (or in 2009).

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sat, 12 Feb 2011 08:36:15 +0000 I suppose he could be his heir, yes. Some people pondered that a year ago (or two).

By: dyfet Sat, 12 Feb 2011 08:31:31 +0000 Oh, I forgot to include a link:

And as you might recall he transferred SGI’s patents related to opengl/3d graphics to Microsoft, too. Yes, to me Nokia is being SGI’d…

By: dyfet Sat, 12 Feb 2011 08:29:10 +0000 One day SGI was developing it’s own workstations around Mips, doing rather well thank you, and along comes Belluzo. They form a “strategic alliance” that abandons SGI’s hardware for Itanium and it’s own workstation software to become “another” Windows NT vendor. Sound familiar? Their destination was bankruptcy, and then the Microsoft mole went back to, guess where, at Microsoft. Was Elop promised to be Balmer’s hair apparent now that Muglia is gone, once Nokia enters bankruptcy?

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sat, 12 Feb 2011 05:51:04 +0000 I wrote about the story of Sendo 2 years ago. What was the deal with SGI?

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sat, 12 Feb 2011 05:49:15 +0000 To Elop, this deal doesn’t need to make sense, it needs to make Ballmer richer. And don’t ask what the Hell he was thinking; he wasn’t.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Sat, 12 Feb 2011 05:45:02 +0000 So you too saw de Icaza’s response, eh? Yes, I saw his response to it. It’s rather telling, isn’t it?

I didn’t intend to post many repetitive items about it, but here’s some stuff I fished this morning:

  • Intel Won’t Forget About MeeGo

    MeeGo was a Nokia/Intel joint venture aimed at producing an acceptably good Linux-based mobile platform for devices. Now that Nokia is going WinPho, however, it looks like MeeGo will soon get short shrift. But, if Intel has anything to say about it, things will remain on course as previously ordained.

    In a short note, Intel informs the world that they’ll be sticking by the platform, thankyouverymuch, and nothing will change.

  • Nokia Microsoft is like Yahoo Bing – Nokia’s days as innovator are over

    As I was plugging in to power my iPhone to live stream today’s Nokia press conference, I overheard someone lean over and say “This is the most important day of your life”. It was whispered into the ear of Nokia’s PR spokesman as he took the stage today to introduce Nokia CEO Steven Elop. It certainly was important – but not in a great way. Today his boss effectively ended Nokia’s history as an ecosystem of its own, laid down its guns, and gave in to a Windows Phone future.

  • Nokia Commits Corporate Suicide

    In my opinion the losers are:

    1. Microsoft – WP7 isn’t ready for prime time.
    2. Nokia – Adopting WP7 is like adopting buggy whips…

  • Meanwhile, in the Nokia boardroom…
  • Introducing The Microsoft Puppet

    Step 1: Install Elop.

    Step 2: Get him to make a crazy bold bet to move Nokia phones over to the struggling Windows Phone platform even though embracing Android would seem to be an easier and safer bet.

    Step 3: Install another Microsoft vet, Chris Weber, as head of U.S. operations.

    Step 4: Install other former ‘Softies in positions of power. (It will happen.)

  • In memoriam: Microsoft’s previous strategic mobile partners

    Microsoft’s new “strategic partnership” with Nokia is not its first. For a decade the software company has courted and consummated relationships with a variety of companies in mobile and telecom.

  • Nokia kicks FOSS to the Curb

    If you have been by my blog here before then you might know I really like my Nokia N900. It is one of the most flexible, powerful, open source friendly devices on the market. I bought mine and carry it with pride everyday (because I am an FOSS advocate). When Nokia announced they where merging Maemo into the MeeGo project I openly voiced my support. With a corporate backer like Nokia, Meego was sure to quickly become a forerunner in mobile technology.

By: dyfet Sat, 12 Feb 2011 05:42:17 +0000 Two words to consider for this story and a proper historical context: sgi and sendo. Well, three if one wants to add yahoo.

By: dyfet Sat, 12 Feb 2011 05:41:01 +0000 But it all must be okay, after all MVP Miguel is all excited and about it!

More like the mining company announcing all the gold they were to mine is actually fools gold.

By: twitter Sat, 12 Feb 2011 05:24:27 +0000 This is not cost cutting, it’s Microsoft boosting. If Nokia wanted to cut costs, it would turn research into implementation with Symbian and MeGo instead of taking on Windows staff. Taking on Android makes some sense because there’s enough in common with MeGo. Windows Phoney 7, on the other hand, is a huge expense with no obvious upside. Microsoft’s Asian partners are way ahead of Nokia on that but it’s a race to Microsoft’s bottom. Windows Phoney 7 is like any other Windows mobile effort or Windows itself, a technical disaster that sucks the life out of anyone dumb enough to be Microsoft’s next “one night stand” or “pawn.” All I can imagine is that Elop is going to whore out like HP did and become just another brand name slapped on me too Asian hardware. So dies another great tech company.

By: Agent_Smith Sat, 12 Feb 2011 01:17:29 +0000 Oh, boy, how I wanted to write something about this travesty.
Well, let’s start enumerating the issues:

1-Where were the Nokia’s shareholders minds, when they brought Elop onboard Nokia.
2-The man is a bureaucrat, he’s not a techie. I mean, bureaucrats do what bureaucrats do: cut costs and fire people.
3-Nokia needs a visionary, not a bureaucrat. They need a Jobs, not another Ron Hovsepian. And Hovsepian things is what Elop will do
4-Oh, no, the guy says they’re standing on a burning platform, and then, he tries to extinguish fire with gasoline… That’s amazing.
5-Nokia has years of development with Symbian and a fair amount of time developing Meego. They crossed all the way the ocean, and, when they are about to reach the shore, the “CEO” says: No, let’s backtrack and forget all we’ve done so far. Jeesus Merciful, what a MORON.
6-And then, he speaks about ecosystems, saying Nokia’s attempts produced no results. Ok, I give him that, let’s say that would be true(it’s not). Well, what the Einstein does then? Chooses a platform with NO ECOSYSTEM AT ALL. Oh, boy, are you sure this guy is not suffering from detachment from reality ?
7-Then, make all that noise Nokia’s in trouble. It’s not. Actually, M$ is in more trouble than Nokia. The fact is, Nokia’s suffers because it’s big. What’s easier to move around? An elephant or an ant ? Nokia’s gigantic size is their problem, they can’t move fast enough, and can’t match Apple’s speed, since Apple has only Hypefone to take care, nor Google’s speed, since Google only makes the operating system, and does not have to care about hardware.
8-Then, I say: Choosing WMP7 over their own in house creations will fail to make waves, he’s just exchanging a number six for half a dozen. Nokia’s problem is not the mobile OS, it is its size, and, if they don’t do something about it, not even Einstein coupled with, say, Alan Touring, can save them.

Let’s say Nokia today is like IBM from the past 70′s. IBM could not compete with the growing home computer market. Then, they hired M$ to make their operating system. Well, the rest of this history, everybody knows: IBM almost went down the drain, and M$ became a powerful behemoth, that still harms IT to this day. Seems like folks at Nokia haven’t learned from history.

I’ve posted this rant too on ghabuntu’s blog:

By: Gizmo Sat, 12 Feb 2011 01:05:38 +0000 It says a lot when your stock loose 14% over a technological announcement in a single day.
Kind of like a mining company announcing that they havnt found any gold yet.
Do Finns plan to protest this hostile takeover?
