Comments on: Linus Torvalds Finally Comments on the Novell/Microsoft Deal Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dev Null Thu, 13 Sep 2007 03:23:44 +0000 I thought you guys would get tired of writing nonsense articles, but I see you’re still around. Too bad. I would just like to say that Linus has the right approach, what’s the point of all this fighting? You guys argue against “freedom”, as Jihad Stallman does, but you want to restrict how the rest of the people do what they do. Hello? No wonder you can’t defend your point logically, you and Jihad Stallman have really no point to defend.

To imply that MS controls Novell is simply idiotic, but if you want to believe it, it’s your choice, now that’s freedom. Where’s your,,, etc., etc., why Novell? You bunch of hipocrites! And, no I’m not from Microsoft, if anything I think Microsoft’s products suck, but if I use their products I have no less freedom than if I use Linux. The normal user doesn’t care about your “lofty freedom” goals (gag). The normal user doesn’t even know what source code is, or what compilation means, or what is “make install”, nor anything like that, so what the hell are you talking about? Knowledgeable individuals/companies are telling the whole world cooperations is good, what part of that you don’t understand?
