Comments on: Why You Should Not Listen to the ODF Foundation — for Now Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 02 Nov 2007 08:52:54 +0000

You’re thinking that just because they have the name “OpenDocument Foundation” they carry more weight than they actually do… they’re actually hurting ODF now more than helping it, because the media is now reporting “The OpenDocument Foundation doesn’t even support ODF!!!” when in actuality “The OpenDocument Foundation” is just a pretty name that sounds official.

Yes, I agree entirely. That’s just the point I was trying to get across without insulting or offending the Foundation, whose members I’m in good terms with.

I have voiced the same type of stance elsewhere on the Web. It’s like a parent trying to defend a child that misbehaves at school. It’s a dilemma and it’s hard. I’m not implying that the Foundation is a child, by the way, but it’s a tactless analogy to have used.

IMO this justifies Novell forking to – because Sun doesn’t WANT a community effort (of course they don’t – they want to sell StarOffice and get development for free) people are going to fork and walk away from Sun’s efforts. Sun had better start doing a better job of engendering a community, fast.

From E-mails I’ve received I know that you can’t just blame Sun in isolation. There are several parties involved, but it’s easier to point the finger at just one ‘mean’ company (which stole all the other children’s toys)..;-)

By: Eric Gearhart Fri, 02 Nov 2007 08:34:56 +0000 Roy: You’re thinking that just because they have the name “OpenDocument Foundation” they carry more weight than they actually do… they’re actually hurting ODF now more than helping it, because the media is now reporting “The OpenDocument Foundation doesn’t even support ODF!!!” when in actuality “The OpenDocument Foundation” is just a pretty name that sounds official.

ODF is a solid standard, and more importantly it’s an ISO standard. That battle has been won. Just because they couldn’t get Sun to budge they’re “taking their ball and going home”?

IMO this justifies Novell forking to – because Sun doesn’t WANT a community effort (of course they don’t – they want to sell StarOffice and get development for free) people are going to fork and walk away from Sun’s efforts. Sun had better start doing a better job of engendering a community, fast.

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 02 Nov 2007 08:19:01 +0000 The Foundation maintains a Web site that (used to) promotes ODF, brings together supporters, and lobbies in every way possible. The phrase “they don’t actually do anything” is thus hurtful. It’s just a shame to see the direction that the Foundation has taken once it felt betrayed and excluded.

By: Eric Gearhart Fri, 02 Nov 2007 07:53:04 +0000 The “ODF Foundation” doesn’t matter. This Slashdot comment puts it quite succinctly. Actually the whole thread puts this in perspective.

“Forgive me if my memory is bad, but aren’t they that unimportant bunch of nobodies who formed their own organization and decided that Microsoft compatibility was their #1 goal?

As I recall, in spite of the grand-sounding name, the people in that organization don’t have anything to do with anything. They’re busy recommending this and that, but they don’t actually do anything.”
