Comments on: Everything Goes Wrong for Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Wed, 16 Mar 2011 23:34:17 +0000

Not everything went wrong for Microsoft – Bill Gates hasn’t come back. If he does, that’s a sign that they are truly desperate.

That’s not entirely true (sarcasm aside). He is causing even more damage right now, from elsewhere. Now he has the nerve to tell business leaders to “give back” (says the man who taxes every PC whether people want Windows or not, refuses to pay tax, and the one who took the most money from society and continues taking much more, through patents, lobbying, and investments).

I’m hoping to find time to handle the many hundreds of unread headlines I have on that subject. When most corrupt is labeled “most ethical” then you get a “Kissinger moment”. :-)

And a final note – in Canada, the XBox 360 is on the Blow Out shelves

That won’t inspire much confidence (RRoD and all)…

By: The Mad Hatter Wed, 16 Mar 2011 23:10:38 +0000 Not everything went wrong for Microsoft – Bill Gates hasn’t come back. If he does, that’s a sign that they are truly desperate.

And a final note – in Canada, the XBox 360 is on the Blow Out shelves at the local big box pharmacy, and it doesn’t appear to be moving well, since it seems like the same boxes have been there for over a week (based on magic marker notes on the sides of the boxes). This pharmacy is famous for buying overstocks and selling them for knock down prices, when I originally saw the XBox 360 units they were beside $25.00 CDN DVD players. The DVD players sold out, and were replaced by $30.00 digital cameras.

