Comments on: Links 27/03/2008: Local Government Pressured to Give in to OSS; Bug Gadgets Sold Out Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Finland calling Thu, 27 Mar 2008 19:04:32 +0000 Seems to be posted on Groklaw already, good. Forgot to check there beforehand via proxy since our 2nd largest isp is currently blocked from Cogent’s networks – and Groklaw is also hosted there.


Last summer Finland chose not to approve the standard proposal. However, in the meeting which run over five hours chairman Aki Siponen determined that Finland’s stance has changed.

SFS did not do the decision based on voting but by trying to reach a consensus. After discussion total consensus was however unreachable.

The chairman noticed that Finnish IT industry was divided but especially those representing users had changed their opinion.

Compared to last year’s meeting Ministry of Education, National Archive, National Library, Association of Finnish Local and Regional Authorities, and Confederation of Finnish Industries, for example, changed their opinion. No Nokia representatives were present in the meeting. In the meeting IBM, Sun, Google, Red Hat, EFFI, COSS, Ministry of Justice, and Mireabilis opposed approval of the current proposal.

By: Finland calling Thu, 27 Mar 2008 18:50:20 +0000 Yeah well. Since Lassi Nirhamo was forcefully removed, we kind of knew what would happen.
New chairman, Aki Siponen, decided on his own that Finland’s stance has changed since previous meetings and now the vote is “YES”.
IBM, Sun, Google, RedHat, EFFI (EFF@fi),, Ministry of justice and Mireabilis Oy were against it.
All the other NO-votes from fast-tracking meeting somehow magically were changed into supporting ones.
I’ll get deeper into those when there’s more information available – if ever. Maybe they prohibited any kind of recording or taking of notes? Don’t know yet.
