Comments on: Novell’s Trust in Oxymorons Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Thu, 06 Sep 2007 04:51:39 +0000 One of the cross references which I included is this:

I know that Novell has been hiring .NET developers aggressively. They gave it away in an interview. I can’t recall if it was de Icaza or Steinman, but I can find it because we wrote about it.

As you say, CEOs care about their own benefit first, which is why a substructure that includes a board of directors and representatives for developers (like Jeremy Allison) must be involved. If you take a look at our interview with Jeremy Allison, you’ll see that he warned them. He was later kicking himself (not literally) for not pressuring Novell to reject the deal when Microsoft introduced the all nasty bits (at the 90th minute, not by coincidence).

If Novell continues its disservice (and yes, as far as I can tell, Novell does a lot of long-term damage to Linux and Free software), then I think Ron Hovsepian needs to be sacked. They has a wonderful product in 2006 (SLED 10) and they were well set and prepared to take the world by storm. Microsoft saw this, and it responded.

By: Zaine Ridling Thu, 06 Sep 2007 04:31:01 +0000 It also makes you wonder if companies take these agreements seriously. It’s as if they shake hands, as you say, but then walk away and go back to business as usual with the clear exception: don’t sue us, we won’t countersue. Employees don’t matter to them, never did. Moreover, I wonder if the Microsoft deal did not significantly slow down development on their SLED product, as release schedules continue to slip.
