Comments on: Microsoft Entryism Continues at Yahoo! as More Microsoft Managers Occupy the Shaken Ship Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Fri, 08 Oct 2010 03:56:38 +0000 Given Microsoft’s deeply criminal culture and the things Nokia looks after, it is right to be alarmed. The list of tech and companies torpedoed by Microsoft moles is long and terrible. Nokia is in charge of QT, something Microsoft would love to ruin, and has been the worlds largest producer of cellphones. If Nokia does not put their extensive free software efforts to work in the mobile phone market, we will know why. Efforts to wreck QT will fail, but the FUD factor will do Microsoft a lot of good. It is good for Roy to document the connection and early indicators. That’s not paranoia, it’s using your memory and being prepared rather than surrenderting to wishful thinking and being blindsided.

By: Dr. Roy Schestowitz Thu, 07 Oct 2010 20:30:06 +0000 I was not suggesting a takeover at all. What I suspect, however, is that Nokia is likely to explore Windows now (there are rumours that it does). The connections and preferences do not expire overnight.

By: satipera Thu, 07 Oct 2010 20:25:40 +0000 I am pretty sure that companies, seek to find out what is going on in other companies that they deem important to their prospects and even try to influence their policies. I am also pretty sure that when people move from one company to another they do not cut themselves of from social and professional networks.

There may well have been cases where MS have infiltrated and taken over a company. But what I can’t accept is that every time a Microsofty moves to another company that they are on a mission for MS. It makes us free software supporters look paranoid. Nokia for instance are not just going to invite someone in to turn them into a subsidiary of MS, they have a lot more nouse than that.

Each case should be examined on its merits with the actions of the person or persons concerned presented as evidence. A company does not need to have been taken over by MS to collude with them and there are examples of later divergent interests causing friction.

Yes lets keep a very close eye on this less than ethical and law abiding company but sounding an alarm too frequently causes it to be ignored.

I am more concerned about what present MS employees are doing to influence politicians and industry and standards organisations.
