Comments on: Why Paul Allen (Interval Patent Troll) Targets Companies That Do Not Cross-license With (or Pay) Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:31:10 +0000 There has to be more to Allen’s reluctance to harm Microsoft than prior deals. If Allen wanted to make money the troll way from his patents, he could sell them to someone who would sue. Perhaps he is doing just that. Microsoft themselves tried this little trick a while back when they tried to sell off patents that would be used to sue GNU/Linux people. Allen should be seen as a coordinated attack.

My theory is that Microsoft and friends are in a panic. They wanted to pretend that software patent issues are only something that free software and small companies need to worry about. i4i proved that this is not the case and their well planned extortion is out of control. Biski was probaby the worst case for them because it devalued their assets without eliminating the threats. Microsoft also needs to distract investors from the poor performance and irrelevance of their software.

It is ridiculous to assert that Allen is secretly trying to discredit patents. If Allen wanted to do that, he would donate his patent hoard to the OIN or make some other pledge and work to eliminate the problem. Instead, he’s blubbering about “innovation” and nearly expired, mostly bogus patents. The net result of this attack may be the elimination of software patents in the US but it is clear that he aims to booster patents and Microsoft to support his investments. Biski discredited software patents, so people like Allen are desperate to turn the clock back or change the laws to give value to their worthles business method patents.

I’m waiting for an avalanche of patent suits by all of the suckers who bought into pyramid schemes like Intellectual Ventures. These people may have bought into the naysaying about Biski, but now they see their brave leaders panic. If every holder of a “joke” patent comes forward, there will be no way for tech firms to pay them off, nor anyway for the courts to handle the load and the system will collapse, yet they are forced to do this by the diminishing value of their “investments”. Biski makes slim odds of any ROI and the coming collapse will end the game. The only value these patent hoards have is licensing deals that can be extorted now.
