Comments on: “Mr Dee” from CNET Received Laptop Gift/Bribe from Microsoft Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chips B. Malroy Tue, 04 Aug 2009 20:42:18 +0000 Actually Andre Da Costa has been cited and used as a source in Cnet articles, while also posting as user “Mr. Dee” in some articles. He has also been used as a source in articles on the Seattle PI Microsoft reporting site as well. While some may see him as only a 3rd world person trying to get a few “freebies,” from MS and MS and HP, he is most likely, much more than that.

A quick search of Google for his name reveals the depth of his posting, he is either Andre Da Costa, adacosta, or Mr. Dee on so many MS related sites. The 1400 comments on Cnet are just a drop in the bucket from this M$ Shill. If he uses these nym’s, or sockpuppets, for a better word, there are most likely other names that he uses that are not known yet. But clearly, someone who most likely has 50K of comments on the internet, related to MS or its competitors, is not your normal garden variety M$ Fanboy. Most likely, but hard to prove, is he is paid to post.

Dragging the truth out of people like this is like pulling Nails, or rather spikes from hardwood. When you got the truth, and he admitted it, he became very combative, and used namecalling. Not that much difference between him and flatfish on that score. Its one reason to use a sock puppet, is that the Shill can be a whole lot more nasty in his attacks. As in the case of Mr. Dee if you read some of his comments.

The problem I find with Andre, is he aspires to be a MS reporter, like those on CNET, MS Watch, ZDNET, etc. Is it ethical, for someone like Andre who is most likely a M$ Mole, to get one of these jobs? Its seems that is what he is being groomed for.

This is just my opinion, and my opinion alone.
