Comments on: Months Before Release, Vista 7 Puts Its Vest on and Becomes Fat Like Vista Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: twitter Mon, 25 May 2009 20:57:55 +0000 If a benchmark by exo performance network is correct, IE 8 on it’s own will be too fat for Netbooks.

What worked form M$ in the past won’t today. M$ has killed sub portables in the past by making Windows and their applications too fat. The problem for them now is that the hardware really is good enough and GNU/Linux does the job better. There’s nothing M$ can do about companies like Google, that use free software to offer services via the web that work on light hardware. M$’s bloated web services depend on their OS monopoly. As Vista has failed them, so has M$ search, Silverblight and a host of other parts of the Longhorn Launch Wave. Media, maps, news, office productivity and all the things people want from their computers are all better provided by free software and on line service providers which work great on everything from super computers to pocket PCs. Meanwhile, M$ has a mobile OS which features IE6 and a desktop OS that’s still too fat to fit on most hardware and won’t run on ARM, PowerPC or MIPS. Their money losing web services hardly deserve mentioning.
