Comments on: Do-No-Evil Saturday – Part I: OpenSUSE 11.0 GM Roundup Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: easgs Mon, 20 Oct 2008 22:14:10 +0000 I have created a Multimedia Pack portable for Open Suse, the included programs and codecs are:

1) kchmviewer
2) mplayer, mplayer plugin
3) audacious
4) k3b, k3b-codecs
5) sox
6) devede
7) audacity
8) avidemux
9) ffmpeg
10) transcode
11) ntfs-config
12) vlc
13) libdvdcss
14) w32codecs
15) xine
16) xmms
17) dvdShrink
18) k9copy
19) Gtkpod
20) Acetoneiso
21) Furiousiso
22) DVD::RIP
23) Amarok
24) Kaffeine
25) kmplayer
26) Kdvdcreator
27) K3guitune
28) Kino
29) ManDVD
30) Kguitar
31) Mjpegtools
32) Soundconverter
33) Kdenlive
34) Asunder
35) Brasero
36) Smplayer
37) LMMS
38) winff
39) KmediaFactory
40) DVD2Xvid

you can install any of the above without internet, they include all the dependencies, just unzip the both files into a folder named MMP2008 and create a repository from that folder as a simple rpm folder in yast, then make a search in the yast installer with the name of the program and check it to install it, this is very important if you don`t have internet at home, and besides, by default Open Suse doesn`t include several codecs due to license matters.

I created a blog about the MMP 2008 where you can download the pack:

By: Roy Schestowitz Fri, 10 Oct 2008 12:52:47 +0000 Some early reviews of Mandriva 2009 suggest that KDE4 is getting good.

By: some dude Fri, 10 Oct 2008 12:49:16 +0000 I think moving to kde4 has introduced most bugs in 11.0.
Things will stable off eventually.

By: some dude Fri, 10 Oct 2008 12:46:35 +0000 I have been having dependency hell problems in OS11. It started with the one click multimedia install.

I will admit that package management speed is way way faster.

By: Ian Sun, 29 Jun 2008 00:21:50 +0000 I have it installed on 4 systems…

1 system seems to be performing flawlessly.
1 system seems to be reliable with some minor annoyances.
1 system seems to be okay with a couple of major annoyances.
1 system seems to think it’s Windows with all the lock ups I have been experiencing.

Overall… in many areas it’s a massive improvement. In others… I dunno.

By: Bob Tue, 24 Jun 2008 22:32:51 +0000 I did a complete install of opensuse 11.0. It complained about disk space although I have used the same partitioning scheme for years. (I Started using suse early 2000 after becoming dissolusioned with RedHat) In spite of the complaints, it did install. However, gnome and kde lock up constantly. I cannot even get a mingetty session going to figure out why. All hardware locks up making the system unusable.

I reinstalled the system three times and the same problems arise with the system locking up.

After the nonsense with Microsoft, I think that I will be switching all of my systems to something else. It is too bad, too, in that I think that Suse was the best linux distro out there.

RIP opensuse!

By: borgermaster Sun, 22 Jun 2008 06:23:06 +0000 Some people, Like Mr van Lin, are desperately looking for negative things to say about openSUSE. All they want to do is express their hatred. Even if it takes lying.

By: EazyVG Sun, 22 Jun 2008 05:56:52 +0000 Over an hour, as for me, other than selecting the additional packages that I usually go with, it took my quad system 2-3 mins to install screen, another few minutes to do selection, as I was enjoying new installation goodies, but mainly 9 mins to install over 3GB packages and 4 mins for autoinstall process, though the screen resolution had to be corrected once nVidia video driver was installed, flawlessly with 1-click install.

Multimedia – another 1-click process only. Want multimedia out of box, get commercial SUSE, or any other OS for that matter. As we know, it is a matter of licensing issues.

Package management is not pos at all, as it has really been improved, and from my view only apt-get+Synaptic s better one out there.

I am enjoying it and will more with the 4.1 release of KDE.

By: lalala Sat, 21 Jun 2008 22:10:49 +0000 1. Faster installations–OpenSUSE 11 installs much faster than the 10.x series.

2. Better package management–Package management has gotten a massive boost in speed in OpenSUSE 11, the whole “dependency hell” thing is an old argument made up by people who don’t know what they’re talking about.

3. Top-notch multimedia support–since when does someone have to download a whole .iso to enable multimedia support in OpenSUSE, you are a former OpenSUSE user, Schestowitz, you know the “download an .iso” thing is a lie. Most people just add the Packman repo and install support for various media, including DVD support.

Why do you keep posting lies, can’t you find enough true negative stories about OpenSUSE? You know that those arguments are about the 10.x series yet you lumped them in with 11.0. This is why there are so many people who think you’re a joke. In situations like this, you usually backpedal and make up some lame excuse as to why, yet again, you posted more BS.
