Comments on: As Part of So-called ‘Reforms’, the EPO’s President is Gradually Eliminating the Boards of Appeal, Not Just Their Independence Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: One of those... Thu, 15 Sep 2016 19:42:38 +0000 [i]THE EPO is an office like no other office, but WIPO is a close match because it too is unaccountable[/i]

At least with WIPO the member states are picking up their responsibilities and are not hiding behind the reports as presented by the management.
The 1000 pages report which got locked away by WIPO management and replaced by a wishy-washy 4 page “summary” written by management-selected “experts”.

The full report will be published and only edited to remove names to protect the persons concerned…

I heard EPO management is not too happy about that, as a lot of the attacks on the independent audits and staff representation and union representation has been modeled on WIPO doings and any issues broght against the EPO management approach has been brushed aside by argueing “this is best practice in international organisations”.

Nevermind that there is no definition of “best practice”, and “best” from which point of view….
