Comments on: Here Come the Pro-patents Shills Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Draconishinobi Tue, 05 Dec 2006 05:05:50 +0000 All I can say about that CNET article is WHAT A SHILL !!! Now, that is a shill if I ever saw one.

“It reveals that many open-source backers fundamentally don’t understand the software business. When vendors compete, customers win. This is good.”

Since when is M$ about competition ? They are a monopoly … where is the competition he is talking about ?

“The days of kumbaya, where vendors are locked arm in arm singing open-source love songs to “grow the market” through co-opetition are over.”

Over my dead body !

“Microsoft is growing up after its antitrust issues. It is actually listening to its customers.”

Oh ? Got proof ?

“It should be of no surprise to anyone that Microsoft holds numerous patents that Linux violates–it’s just that polite company in the software industry won’t say this aloud. You see, Microsoft hired folks like Dave Cutler out of DEC to build Windows NT, and it is actually an industrial-class operating system.”

Ok, that’s going to far … seriously, this guy is THE SHILL !
