Comments on: It’s Final and Official: ODF is the Only ISO Standard (Updated) Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 05 Sep 2007 06:54:46 +0000 anonymous, I was going to append “,for Now” to the headline before I hit [Publish], but decided to keep it simple. But you’re right. This sort of optimism can be detrimental. It wasn’t my intention to do this.

By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 05 Sep 2007 03:41:41 +0000 Of course, but the issue is that Microsoft deceives the press and ignore the outcome that has just been announced. I posted an update about this just a couple of minutes ago.

By: vexorian Wed, 05 Sep 2007 03:32:58 +0000 It is official, but it is not final, there is still the February vote to go, I hope that the ODF front does not call victory yet and keeps working on mentioning why we don’t need another standard format for this.

By: anonymous Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:04:47 +0000 Forgot to put the URL where I extracted the text, sorry.

By: anonymous Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:03:56 +0000 The battle isn’t still over.

Sorry Roy, but you are failing a lot with this over-optimistic news title. Please change the news title, you are completely misinformating.

Now a small part of the battle is over, but a new slow battle starts again.

Comments that accompanied the votes will be discussed at a ballot resolution meeting (BRM) to be organized by the relevant subcommittee of ISO/IEC JTC 1 (SC 34, Document description and processing languages) in February 2008 in Geneva, Switzerland.

The objective of the meeting will be to review and seek consensus on possible modifications to the document in light of the comments received along with the votes. If the proposed modifications are such that national bodies then wish to withdraw their negative votes, and the above acceptance criteria are then met, the standard may proceed to publication.

Otherwise, the proposal will have failed and this fast-track procedure will be terminated. This would not preclude subsequent re-submission under the normal ISO/IEC standards development rules.

Read that in a better way, avoid your excesive optimism and be realistic. The battle will be slower but still very difficult. Remember this site is still important for the cause and it can occour that the OOXML nightmare can become a reality in the ISO standards.
