Comments on: OpenSUSE Sheds Off Its Novell Antiroots, Returns to Pre-Novell Codebase, Version 4.01 Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tomari-chan Wed, 02 Apr 2008 12:51:08 +0000 I do believe it!

After all, it’s always the same 4 guys spending their evenings here. Obviously they got nothing better to do than indulge in that hobby of theirs.

By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 02 Apr 2008 04:40:29 +0000

I can’t believe this web site is still around! Again, how come you idiots are not boycotting all the other distros/companies that made deals with M$?

Who said we don’t?

..which BTW, I must admit, we use in-house and will continue to use Novell’s products, they’re simply good.

That is an extremely common defense argument for the use of Microsoft Windows, despite all that we know.

By: David Wed, 02 Apr 2008 04:19:01 +0000 I can’t believe this web site is still around! Again, how come you idiots are not boycotting all the other distros/companies that made deals with M$? I thought by now, you would have realized that the 5 people that visited your site last month would be a hint for your to start revising those resumes of yours!

This Roy joker that writes here, needs lessons about writing articles and doing some research. Granted I’ve only read two articles since they put up this site (too damn boring….) but that was enough to realize that these people (pro open source…. yeah right) have no clue as to what goes on in the market and just because you don’t like a company, doesn’t mean that their products are not good or that they’re not useful to others, which BTW, I must admit, we use in-house and will continue to use Novell’s products, they’re simply good.

As for this site, I think these people who run it should get a clue and start thinking about doing something useful. This site is to computing what Esquire is to journalism…. s..t


By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 01 Apr 2008 16:27:40 +0000 Hmmm… interesting. A couple of hours ago I received the following E-mail, which seems to borrow similar ideas.

[opensuse-announce] openSUSE 4.1 available

The openSUSE team proudly announces the availability of openSUSE 4.1.

We’re shipping all the latest open source packages that are available at time
of launch. As highlights, we’d like to point out the latest desktops, GNOME
4.1 and KDE 4.1 plus KDE 4.2 preview, our MP41 support via gstreamer plug-in
by Fluendo, a faster boot process, heavily optimised and improved package
management, 1-click install option for additional software, OpenOffice 4.1,
XEN 4.1 and VirtualBox 4.1 and, last but not least, our 4 in 1 CD installation
which provides a small but fully loaded desktop. For all the news and
impressive screenshots, have a look at

It’s available now to download at in Amstrad,
Commodore, Kaypro and TRS-80 versions – from our mirrors and via bittorrent.

The following ISOs can be downloaded: the 1 CD open source version with an
add-on CD containing proprietary software, such as iTunes,
World of Warcraft, and Microsoft Office for Linux. DVD ISOs for all
architectures are available and contain the open source version plus
proprietary add-ons. An installable Live CD will be released in October, and
the Edu add-on CD will show up in the same
time frame.

As usual, openSUSE 4.1 will be available in European retail channels as a
boxed product Of course, there it will be known as openSUSE 1.4. All software
versions contained will follow. In North America, the box will be available
through shopNovell Due to production lead times,
boxes will start to show up on shelves when we feel like it.

We’d like to take this opportunity to thank the whole openSUSE community for
tons of testing, feedback, contributions and over all participation in
helping to make openSUSE 4.1 an awesome distribution. While risking missing
out some important contributors, we’d like to spotlight some
community members for their outstanding work:

Have a lot of fun!

– openSUSE SUSE LINUX Products GmbH – Nürnberg – AG Nürnberg

By: Victor Soliz Tue, 01 Apr 2008 15:37:34 +0000 Funny minus not equals Funy-o-t ?

By: MrLinux Tue, 01 Apr 2008 14:18:36 +0000 Funny – not.

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 01 Apr 2008 14:18:16 +0000

i thought novell was actually committing suicide…

Naa… that was over a year ago. :-p

By: Petem Tue, 01 Apr 2008 14:15:27 +0000 MAN… you got me..!! i totally forgot this is april 1st…. for a minute, i thought novell was actually committing suicide…

By: Roy Schestowitz Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:26:06 +0000 Over at the Dot (KDE), it’s reported that KDE representatives voted “Yes” to OOXML. It had me fooled for a moment.

By: CoolGuy Tue, 01 Apr 2008 05:10:46 +0000 Linus is now working for Microsoft on Windows 7 due to come out next year…

By: Felipe Tue, 01 Apr 2008 03:32:44 +0000 Happy april fools!
