Comments on: Best ‘Feature’ of Vista 7 is Finally Found: It ‘Deletes’ GNU/Linux Partitions Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: ZiggyFish Sun, 22 Feb 2009 22:48:49 +0000 Why download the wallpapers when you can create them your self ;)

By: AhmedG Sun, 22 Feb 2009 05:09:24 +0000 Those Windows 7 wallpapers look an awful lot like some of the Linux wallpapers on I’m not usually one to make comments like that but it’s true. In fact there are 100s of different places to get great wallpapers. Windows 7 has no vision. It’s a series of “features” that look nice in a demo.

I don’t know what de Icaza is so excited about with Silverlight eiter. It looks like JavaFX is already set to over take that, and you won’t need any “new” plugins to make use of that. OpenJDK has a pretty good java plug-in now and it works in 64bit as well. Silverlight never seems to work, not even on Windows.

By: Shane Coyle Sun, 22 Feb 2009 04:15:49 +0000 Haven’t seen Windows 7 yet (or Vista, for that matter), but anyone searching for fonts should at least try the good folks at I feature them, in addition to in the Live Office CD.

By: pcolon Sun, 22 Feb 2009 04:11:08 +0000 PCLinuxOS Tiny-ME has a pretty decent “dark scheme”. Twitter & Mincr from IRC led me a while back to a web site which contains hundreds of free “un-MS” fonts that will appeal even to the most hard core font hunter. NTFS still sucks big time (data corruption: with SCSI & SAS – don’t know if it’s due to scsi dsk reservation, loss and/or MFT, bad quorem writes).

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 22 Feb 2009 04:03:23 +0000 I guess the strong feature of Vista 7 is downloadable for GNU/Linux too. ;-)

By: aeshna23 Sun, 22 Feb 2009 03:58:26 +0000 The default wallpaper is ugly. It’s the other photographs. I like the bison one. Microsoft can something right. I don’t know that I would have done such a good job purchasing a pretty photograph of a bison. You can search the C:\Windows folders for jpg’s. Also, had a post on how to download some additional wallpapers for Windows 7 from MS. I did that also.

In terms of the fonts, I was just making a suggestion for people who had been smart enough to never purchase Windows. The fonts may not be unique, but if you’ve bothered to install Windows 7 and don’t have the fonts, they are probably worth saving before repurposing the Windows partition. And by the way, what’s up with MS still using the archaic NTFS in 2009?

By: pcolon Sun, 22 Feb 2009 03:41:05 +0000 The default wallpaper is a copy of an existing graphic called “underwater”. As for the fonts, there’s nothing really unique there.

By: aeshna23 Sun, 22 Feb 2009 03:08:33 +0000 When I installed Windows 7, I took the precaution of unplugging all the hard drives in my machine except the one on which I was installing Windows 7.

I played with Windows 7 and found one excellent feature: Microsoft provides some quality photos for your desktop wallpaper. I saved those to a Linux partition. Also, you may want to save the fonts Microsoft provides with Windows 7, before you use the Windows partition for better purposes. You can find the fonts in the C:\Windows\Fonts folder.
