Comments on: “ Hacked” Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mikko Thu, 21 Jan 2010 00:12:23 +0000 Trolling not allowed please leave!

By: TheTruth Thu, 21 Jan 2010 00:04:38 +0000 yes, it’s almost as embarrasing as all the FOSS/ Linux OSS or whatever you call it today, web sites being defaced or hacked.

Notably, Apache web site with it’s famous breach, where the hackers were even able to modify source code in repos, and could of easily sliped in something.

But if you care to look, ( and you dont because that would be research, and balance in reporting). You would find Linux, and you’re loved OSS can and do get hacked into all the time.

BTW: I thought google was you’re FOSS lovechild, how is it possible for google to be hacked, after all they are experts at operating system design, writing application, and supposed to be the leaders in “the cloud”.

And we find good holding IP, on unpatched Windows XP machines running IE6.

SHAME ON GOOGLE, for being so pathetic, and shame on ROYfor being so pathetic as well.

And the only cult you know about ROY is the “Cult of BN”, for which you are the leading troll, and propagandaist.

But dont believe me, just look up what propaganda is and you will see “refer to ROY”. But seriously, do you think you are helping FOSS, or just trying to boost you’re own deflated ego ?

It’s so funny when jono asked you WHY you do this, and you mumbled some almost incomprehensible answer with something like “well they did it first”.

You’re the laughing stock of the FOSS world, and you constantly go after people who actually contribute to FOSS.

Something you DO NOT DO, you simply are not skilled or smart enough to contribute to FOSS, plus you’re just so full or hate. You and you’re merry band of extremeists and hate group cultists.

the sooner you grow up and enter the real world the better, allthough i doubt you will be able to deal witht he real world when you finally come out from under mom’s dress.

All you constantly show people is how bitter, immature, purile, hatefull, vile and just down right disgusting.
All so you can be a “big name” for you’re ‘friends’ and fellow cultists.

Get a job ROY, if ANYONE would hire you, (apart from McDonalds).

I wonder what you could of achieved if you had of spent the past 3 years working on a FOSS project, or something to make foss better, instead of turning vast numbers of people AWAY from foss, because alot of people think the likes of you ROY, do vastly more damage to FOSS then you do to MS.

Everyone in the industry points this out, even Jono asked you about it, and you mumbled some almost inconprehensible answer about “they did it first” crap.

So you come across as a spoilt 7 year old, who did not get his way.
and you’re destroyed you’re reputation FOR EVER, when it comes to you’re personal life, the chances of you ever getting a profile or public job, or any job IMO, is almost zero, as soon as people see you for the peice of crap and bile you are.

But good luck with that ROY, you’re screwed up you’re life, reputation, with you’re HATE CULT… and you appear too stupid to even realise the consequences of you’re actions, and lies.

By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:50:04 +0000 Yes, that’s why I put it in quotes. Nonetheless it’s a security issue.

By: NotZed Wed, 20 Jan 2010 22:42:03 +0000 Well to be more precise, the shoddy forum software has been used to hijack browsers.

Allowing a browser the ability to change the content of a whole page with a simple tag overlay for content from another location does seem like an accident waiting to happen. Is that the price we have to pay for the ‘convenience’ of bloated/slow ‘RIA’s?

Still, any forum still accepting any HTML as input in this day and age is pretty dumb. Even a simple IMG tag is enough to deface a site in embarrassing ways.
