Comments on: Another Microsoft Vice President Abandons the Company Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mikko Sun, 24 Jan 2010 09:31:03 +0000 in you little world

open source = kommunism ?

By: your_friend Sun, 24 Jan 2010 04:47:20 +0000 The site was here, better run a virus check on that Windows box of yours. It would be a shame if rude people were able to use it to annoy others.

By: TheTruth Sat, 23 Jan 2010 21:09:59 +0000 looks like you site was offline for about 30 minutes, you might want to think about using … I dont know, MS windows, then you may not have all the problems you are having now.

Or you could actually learn a bit about computers, oh thats right, you’re not interested in actually contributing to FOSS, you’re more happy turning people OFF FOSS, just so you can stroke you’re own and gobblins, furnaceboy, cubezz, or any others from you’re little cultist hate group, wallowing in you’re own crapulance.

By: TheTruth Sat, 23 Jan 2010 21:06:34 +0000 Hey KOMRAD, oh I mean ROY, I guess you know all about not being able to determine the difference between truth, and outright lies.

It seems to me KOMRAD ROY that you and you’re fellow cultists, have no idea what truth is. I followed your links, to you’re site, and more links, and more links, and when I read you’re ‘articles’ it’s clear you are more than willing to lie, flat out, bald faced to make you’re point.

Or you get some of your minions to do you’re lying for you, like youre good friend and fellow sockpuppet Goblin.

You make a claim that MS was producing FUD about linux mobile, so I decided to follow you long chain of links, and I find the article from you and I DO NOT SEE any statements from MS about linux at all.

I see some MS employees selling stocks, and somehow you manage to spin this into a web of lies and false claims.

It’s almost as if you cannot differentiate between the truth and lies. (where have I heard that before).

So by making is so difficult to confirm you’re claims, with link after linux to you’re own articles. Obfication is what it’s called, or just outright lies and spin.

SO I guess you can put it over you’re groomed minions, and you can get them to believe you’re FUD, but everyone else actually looks for proof of you’re claims, and it’s never there !!

Thats right Komrad ROY, people do actually check out you’re spin doctoring, and FUD/Propaganda. ANd see you for exactly what you are ROY, KOMRAD.

An outright lier, and incapable of descerning between truth and fiction.

No wonder you have absolutely ZERO credability.

Once day you’ll speak the truth and no one will believe you, as you are know for you’re spin, and if not outright lying the bending of the truth, or selectively cherry picking comment snippets.

Or quoting message posters to blogs, or sighting “anonymous” claims, and presenting it as fact.

The only facts you are aware of KOMROY is ,,, well I cant answer that, it appears you are not aware of facts, truth and you appear incapable of actually looking at the information and drawing real life conclusions from it.

You are a spin doctor, and you are not even a good one, seeing the gaping holes in you’re arguments, is just getting too easy, there is no challenge in it.

It’s a trivial exercise to disprove you’re FUD, and all I have to do is follow the links you provide, mostly to you’re own site.

where you constantly make claims, that clearly are not true, but it shows you are willing to lie on their behalf to allow you to generate you’re low grade FUD, propaganda and to keep your little cult group happy, and you’re ego well pumped up. :)

Good luck with you’re reputation, if you ever get one…

By: Roy Schestowitz Sat, 23 Jan 2010 17:36:17 +0000 Based on the remark “pursue other interests”, he does seem likely to appear somewhere else in IT.

I’ll keep an eye open.

By: Needs Sunlight Sat, 23 Jan 2010 17:18:13 +0000 Just like roaches when a building is bug-bombed, they just move nearby. Just like Evil, failure doesn’t go away, it just goes somewhere else.

Rodriguez brought Bill’s mockery of the iPod / iTunes to the market. What is he going to mess up now and where will he mess it up?

truth is sunlight to the Microsoft vampire

Great quote.
