Comments on: Gartner Group Pretends Only Microsoft Competes with VMware, Novell Helps Microsoft Too Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yuhong Bao Tue, 14 Jul 2009 05:23:09 +0000 Well, IMO on the consumer side Macs are more of a threat, while on the business side Linux is more of a threat. But I just want to point out LGP as another victim of IDC’s market share numbers.

By: JohnD Mon, 13 Jul 2009 01:20:20 +0000 I’m curious as to other people’s thoughts on the article, anyone else want to chime in?

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 12 Jul 2009 19:26:01 +0000 Of course it is. Watch Ballmer’s presentation.

By: Yuhong Bao Sun, 12 Jul 2009 19:12:12 +0000 Even LGP is frustrated at IDC.
From , an interview with LGP:
“It doesn’t help that we’ve had consistent issues with sales numbers being low for the game sales and things like IDC reports showing us “breaking the 1 percent mark” in the marketplace.”
“The Linux game market is larger than the IDC figures would lead you to believe. “

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 12 Jul 2009 15:22:10 +0000 I read it differently. It makes for fear, uncertainty and doubt.

By: JohnD Sun, 12 Jul 2009 14:50:24 +0000 1. He never once states that VMWare can not withstand competition.
2. He states this:
“During the conversation he was completely dismissing the potential impact of Microsoft (or anyone else) on future virtualization markets..”
So he does acknowledge other players, but the person he was speaking to was an acknowledged VMWare fan – so it’s only logical to focus on VMWare and not the other products.
In fact he points out that VMWare is the market leader with a strong following. The same way Netware was in the 90′s. The point the author is trying to raise is this:
Will M$ be able to undermine VMWare the same way the undermined Netware – by bundling virtualization software with their server and desktop OS’.
This is a veiled attack against M$ anticompetitive behavior – not against FOSS or KVM.

By: Roy Schestowitz Sun, 12 Jul 2009 14:35:13 +0000 The comparison shrewdly insinuates that VMware cannot withstand competition and that VMware’s only competition is Microsoft.

By: JohnD Sun, 12 Jul 2009 14:28:04 +0000 You completely misread the Gartner article. You might want to go back and give it another look.
In point of fact he’s not promoting Microsoft, he’s actually comparing what M$ did to Netware in the 90′s to what MIGHT happen with VMWare now. He’s questioning if M$ bundling of hyper V will knock out VMWare.
This is an article you should be promoting.
