Comments on: Microsoft to Spy on Indians, Bank Accounts, Health Records (and Conduct Profiling of Customers) Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Roy Schestowitz Wed, 27 Jan 2010 23:12:07 +0000 I didn’t choose the site’s name and I mostly agree with what you say.

By: RimZi Wed, 27 Jan 2010 22:40:33 +0000 Hi Roy,

I’ve always wondered and wanted to ask you, why is your site named “boycott novell”, but not “boycott microsoft”. IMHO, it would make much more sense.

Novell is just a pawn in this game. Nothing more. If it’s gone, a new pawn will be found – just as it was with SCO.

I am eager to read your answer :)

Thanks, RimZi

P.S. I think a little less harsh tone on some of your articles will surely increase the credibility of your, well, opinion :)

By: Chips B. Malroy Wed, 27 Jan 2010 22:35:06 +0000 I have to agree that MS is by far the worse multinational corporation as far as spying on people (customers). It is also a company that clearly values money more than freedom for people, looking at the Google vs China debate where MS clearly comes down without a problem with censorship. But Bing is another example of censorship of data in general with its skewed results, which really are not a bug. What is more distressing, is the motive behind the clear distortion of the Bing search results.

Google does not do everything right, but the community needs to understand just how far worse MS is than Google. There is really very little comparison. M$ is the enemy, those that fail to understand that, will be doomed by it. As far as Google goes, the saying: “The enemy of my enemy, is also my friend,” should apply. Not that Google is bad, mostly they do good as a company.

So Gates is out there on a “screw Google” campaign? Maybe he wants publicity as he wants to come back and run MS, as Ballmer is clearly not popular with stockholders these days?

The money report on the quarter should come out soon. The figure I seen was an 7% increase over last years same quarter which was really bad, and an increase over same quarter of 24% in general of new computer sales with windows on them. It was the Xmas season, and the small increase of profits, compared to the total increase in sales, relates to Netbooks (cheaper computer sold) with low cost XP home or Seven Starter be dumped on them.
