Comments on: Microsoft Finds Another Excuse to Block GNU/Linux Free Software Sentry – watching and reporting maneuvers of those threatened by software freedom Fri, 25 Nov 2016 09:41:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Michael Fri, 23 Sep 2011 19:45:40 +0000 Yeah, Microsoft has about six months until the file for bankruptcy. I am so happy Linux pushed them there. What would we do without Linux.


By: twitter Fri, 23 Sep 2011 19:08:05 +0000 “Windows” as you knew it is already gone. There was once a relatively open and vibrant collection of companies built around the PC and Windows. It was not sustainable or just because Microsoft held all of the power and users were helpless. Microsoft exercised that power and very little is left of the ecosystem. Vista and Windows 7 were both egregious exercises of power and market failures. Windows 8 will not be a general computing platform. Microsoft is imploding.

By: Michael Fri, 23 Sep 2011 15:27:59 +0000 Ah, so Windows is about to go away. Thanks for letting me know.

By: twitter Fri, 23 Sep 2011 06:44:45 +0000 Microsoft, not OEMs will hold the keys or Windows and Windows updates won’t run either.

Desktops are a tiny fraction of the world’s computers.

If you want to see a customer free dead zone, go to any computer store and look at the $400 Windows 7 laptop section. The only thing that can sell worse is Tivoized Windows 8 computers. No one is going to buy them and the bad reputation will destroy what’s left of the Windows ecosystem as long as the inflexible non computers are on the market. I imagine Microsoft will start things off with a hardware dump of epic proportions but that will only bankrupt them. People who want to live in a jail will pick one that works from Apple or Android.

By: twitter Fri, 23 Sep 2011 06:34:32 +0000 What we really see here is Microsoft’s planned take over of the desktop. They launched the effort as Palladium in 2001 or so and Richard Stallman decried it as Treacherous Computing. If you compare what RMS warned us about to jailed devices of today we can easily see the future of Windows 8 as one huge jail and an end to general purpose hardware.

I do not think they will succeed without government mandates. “Secure” Windows 8 computers will have all the flexibility of computerized typewriters of the early 90s and few people will buy them. Cablegate shows us how Microsoft and publishers have been working to force a new “Intellectual Property Regime” (IPR) on the world but government and business need general purpose computing more than they need to protect US controlled media giants.

By: Michael Fri, 23 Sep 2011 03:15:09 +0000 Given the high demand for Linux on the desktop, surely OEMs would allow Linux to run.

There is high demand… right?
